Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I feel like my world is quickly crumbling. Everything seems to be falling apart and I feel as though I have lost control. How did it get this bad? I'm not sure how it happened.
I feel that I am losing someone who loved me with all their heart and soul but I kept pushing them away & now that I have decided to put myself out there and take the leap that person no longer seems to love me. My heart is breaking. I feel so hopeless.
Something changed this last weekend. When he left, he loved me wanted to be with me. When he came back...not so much. My fear is that he met someone else. It has always been my fear that he would realize he was crazy to love me. It is literally making me crazy. I can't stop thinking about him, about what could have happened this past weekend to bring about such an abrupt change in him.
Do I only want what I cant have? I just dont know what to do......I am miserable.